In Loving Memory of Sean Tilghman of Taylor Garbage Service

Sean Tilghman

Company: Taylor Garbage Service

Years of Service: 5

Comments: Tilghman died Monday, Nov. 9 after being hit by a vehicle in the area of 3550 Pennsylvania Ave. According to a spokesperson for Taylor Garbage, Tilghman was unloading a trash can into the back of a truck, when he was struck by the vehicle from behind. He died at the scene. Prayer to him and his Family.

We will not forget you, Sean Tilghman.

Together, let’s honor the memory of the men and women who have served by our side. Whether on the garbage trucks, delivering portable sanitation units, or working in the offices and repair shops, the employees of our industry serve important roles and are very special people. As we remember this fallen hero of the waste industry, we join with their family and co-workers to honor their service.